Our Mission Statement:

We use art and culture to revitalize community vision and pride and to increase community safety with programs designed to encourage excellence among young people. 

Our Budding Subsidiary 

The PHILLIP Muhammad Courage and Leadership Foundation:

The mission of the PM Leadership Project is to increase community safety with programs designed to encourage excellence among young people.  

Upcoming community service activities and fundraisers*

We Support New Authors

Reading and Writing Historical Retreat 2025

The sequel to Hidden Princess: The Rebirth of Making Mary is underway! Readers and aspiring authors who want to escape to the most peaceful and serene environment imaginable will attend the Hidden Princess Sequel Historical Acquisition Retreat with Author Dr. Dedra Muhammad.  At the retreat, attendees will enjoy a sneak preview of a sequel chapter; they can choose among various events to attend and places to visit, such as museum tours, historical sites, and parks. Attendees will witness the process of gathering historical information to write a novel. Attendees can participate in our historical documentary about Century, Florida. Stay tuned for more information.

2024 has already been filled with helping students find scholarships

Dr. Muhammad is delighted with the positive feedback from students who attended her scholarship workshops and boot camps in 2023 and 2024. She has recently given presentations to various groups, such as a Girls Scout Troop, Upward Bound students, and students at the Alabama State FCCLA conference. Her curriculum, "My Mom Wants This, but I Want That: High School Guide for Educators, Parents, and Students," includes a workbook.  Reviews indicate that students require guidance in planning for their future, and it is essential to provide them with such programs as early as possible. 

2024 Highlights

Dr. Muhammad would love to support your program, too!

In 2023, we lost the biggest Rising South Literacy School member, Brother Phillip Muhammad

His contributions will never be forgotten. Brother Phillip focused on young men with former gang affiliations; he helped guide them, mentored them, and advocated for them.  Some of the men and women he supported have gone on to become principals, lawyers, and engineers. Others have gained courage from Brother Phil.  Because of this, the Rising South Literacy School will launch the Phillip Muhammad Courage Scholarship for students. 

2023 Highlights

 Please consider adopting this new 501 (c)3 as one of your favorite fundraisers. 

Annual 2022 Project: Chuck D.

Our 2022 Impact:

Mr. Chuck D., front man for Public Enemy came to our community and addressed and planted positive seeds to over 350 middle school through college students about the deadly consequences of poor decision making that leads to gun violence.

3 Points from Mr. Chuck D.

Historical Content: The Rising South Literacy School has been active in the community for over twenty years. Some of the highlights include working with artists like Mr. Chuck D. from Public Enemy #1 and WHODINI under the leadership of the Rapper Jalil. We have brought light to predatory lending practices, crimes against the elderly, date rape, domestic violence, and relationship issues.